Press conference to present the new partnership between CityLife and Orticola

The new significative partnership between CityLife and Orticola has been presented today. The collaboration consists in the creation and transformation, based upon a project designed by the architect Filippo Pizzoni on behalf of Associazione Orticola di Lombardia, of a 3000sqm area at CityLife where big “Floral Lots” placed as a vast labyrinth, will invite visitors to walk through a wide blooming garden, a vegetable garden and an aromatic herbs garden. A new, natural, fenced open-air space with a controlled access that will be at full disposition of the city, where it will be possible to walk, learn, play, chat and where the colors and tastes allow to regain the contact between town and country, yet with an international outlook. Hence green spaces open to the public, suitable for fun, bucolic reflection moments, relax spaces and an “agorà” to organize recreational and convivial moments.